People usually invest in debt funds for short-term objectives. But what if you also need to put money into debt funds for long-term goals? A 100 percent or all-equity allocation is not suitable for every investor. In reality, most long-term
Monthly Archives: April 2022
Tax-saving and wealth generation are two of the most crucial goals for many in the country. And for this to come to fruition, you may want to understand the benefits of long-term goals. Income tax can reduce a significant part
A mutual fund that invests in fixed income instruments such as government bonds and corporate bonds, debt securities, and money markets that can offer capital appreciation is known as a debt fund. They are also known as fixed-income funds or
When you are in need of funds and are considering taking a loan against your property, using a loan against property calculator can be helpful. This calculator uses information such as your property’s value, the amount of funds you need,
Investing in an insurance plan has seen a rise in the past couple of years, especially after the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on a global level. Insurance plans offer financial security and a lumpsum amount of cover in case